Single Detail Page Misc: 1918 Braunschweig Germany Notgeld 50 Pfennig Coin - Post World War I Emergency Coinage - German Coins
Book: Das Deutsche Notgeld: Katalog der Serienscheine, Spendenquittungen und Bausteine 1918-1922 - KKK Verlag
Book: Das deutsche Gro?notgeld von 1918 bis 1921 - Deutsches Notgeld Papiergeldkatalog Band 3 / German Token Big Paper Money Series 1918 - 1921 Volume 3 German Notgeld Catalogue (The bestseller series "German Emergency Money" was published in 12 volumes already / Die Erfolgsreihe " Deutsches Notgeld " bereits in 12 B?nden erschienen) - Gietl & Battenberg Verlag Publisher , Germany
Book: Deutsche Serienscheine 1918 - 1922, Band 1 und 2 - Gietl Verlag
Book: Deutsche Serienscheine 1918 - 1922, Band 1 und 2 Deutsches Notgeld Papiergeldkatalog in Farbe / German Set Token Paper Money Series 1918 - 1922 Volume 1 and 2 German Notgeld Catalogue in Colour (The bestseller series "German Emergency Money" was published in 12 volumes already / Die Erfolgsreihe " Deutsches Notgeld " bereits in 12 B?nden erschienen) - Gietl & Battenberg Verlag Publisher , Germany
Book: Die Friedensausgaben der Deutsch-Ostafrikanischen Bank 1905 - 1918 DOA Papiergeldkatalog / The Freedom Issues Of The German East Africa Bank 1905 - 1918 DOA paper money catalog - Gietl & Battenberg Verlag Publisher , Germany
Book: Die deutschen Milit?rausgaben im besetzten Frankreich 1914 - 1915 Banknotenkatalog / The German Military Paper Money in Occupied France 1914 - 1915 World War I Catalog (M & S Edition) - Gietl & Battenberg Verlag Publisher , Germany
Book: Ostpreu?isches Papiergeld: Vom 19. Jahrhundert bis 1923 Banknotenkatalog / East Prussian Paper Money From 19th Century to 1923 Paper Money Catalog - Gietl & Battenberg Verlag Publisher , Germany
Book: Die deutschen Banknoten ab 1871 - 2013 : Komplett farbiger Bewertungskatalog mit Marktpreisen / The German Banknotes from 1871 - Present - Full Colour Paper Money Catalog Edition 2013 (The Standard Bible of paper money collecting, structured design with clear classification / Die Bibel des Papiergeldsammelns , strukturierter Aufbau mit übersichtlicher Systematik) - Gietl & Battenberg Verlag Publisher , Germany
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Notgeld 1918 Helpful Resources
What is notgeld? - Grossgeld (1918-1921) - Notgeld
Grossgeld (1918-1921) During and after the First World War, money, especially small ... Notgeld was issued by several countries, but this website is primarily ...
Return to Notgeld Index - Don's World Coin Gallery
German notgeld - Arnsberg 50 Pfennig 1918,1919 iron. German notgeld - Arnstadt ... German notgeld - Bonn 10 Pfennig 1918 iron (large date), German notgeld ...
Germany -German series notes, Serienscheine Notgeld 1918-1922
20. Juni 2014 ... Germany -German series notes, Serienscheine Notgeld 1918-1922. Price list of series notes (Serienscheine Notgeld) emergency local and ...
Germany - Beast Coins
NOTGELD 1921 / PFENNIG Large 10 in frame. Plain edge 21mm, 0.92g, Aluminum Funck 301.2. Mainz. Germany-Mainz, 10 Pfennig, 1918. STADT-MAINZ
Notgeld Coins -
On these pages you will find an ever growing catalog of Notgeld Coinage and ... Red-Brown Porcelain Stoneware, 1918 German - Braunschweig / 10 Pfennig ...